Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday 8/31 Agenda

Learning Goal: Understand the engineering design process and work with a partner to solve a design challenge.

We're going to finish the Paper Helicopter Design Challenge that we started on Friday. Remember: The goal is to produce a paper helicopter that will stay aloft the longest when dropped from a height of 5 feet.

Pick up where you left off on Friday

Task 1: Complete the Engineering Design Process flowchart and tape it into your notebook on the next blank right side page.

Task 2: With your table partner, decide who will be responsible for each job:

Task 3: Complete "1. Ask" on the data sheet (identify problem-see highlighted challenge)

Task 4: Cut out the three designs provided and test them. Create a table in your notebook to record times for each trial of each design.

GOOD ONLINE STOPWATCH (measures tenths of a second)

Task 5: How could you improve the design? Compete "2 Imagine" with your ideas, and draw your revised plan on "3. Plan".  (different paper? shape? paperclip size?)

Task 6: Collect materials, build your prototype and start testing, refining, retesting...write notes on section 5 of your data sheet. Turn in data sheet when you are finished.

Exit Task 6: On the left side notebook page opposite your flowchart, write the date and the heading "Paper Helicopters Design Challenge". Draw a diagram of your final design and write a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph briefly describing your design process and results.

If we have time, we will have a competition to see which helicopter will stay aloft the longest when dropped from a height of 5 feet.

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