Paper Helicopter Design Challenge: Today we're going to design and test paper helicopters. The goal is to produce a paper helicopter that will stay aloft the longest when dropped from a height of 5 feet.
Task 1: Complete the Engineering Design Process flowchart and tape it into your notebook on the next blank right side page.
Task 2: With your table partner, decide who will be responsible for each job:
Group Leader/Time Keeper
1. Reads all directions to group (from data sheet and blog) and leads discussions
2. Keeps group on task and is responsible for getting the group to finish on time.
2. Keeps group on task and is responsible for getting the group to finish on time.
Materials Manager/Data Collector/Recorder
1. Is responsible for collecting and returning all materials & supplies to the appropriate place(s)
2. Records data on the appropriate form or sheet Task 3: Complete "1. Ask" on the data sheet (identify problem-see highlighted challenge)
Task 4: Cut out the three designs provided and test them. Create a table in your notebook to record times for each trial of each design.
Task 5: How could you improve the design? Compete "2 Imagine" with your ideas, and draw your revised plan on "3. Plan". (different paper? shape? paperclip size?)
Task 6: Collect materials, build your prototype and start testing, refining, retesting...write notes on section 5 of your data sheet. Turn in data sheet when you are finished.
Exit Task 6: On the left side notebook page opposite your flowchart, write the date and the heading "Paper Helicopters Design Challenge". Draw a diagram of your final design and write a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph briefly describing your design process and results.
If we have time, we will have a competition to see which helicopter will stay aloft the longest when dropped from a height of 4 feet. (May have to do this on Monday!).
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