Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Thursday 12/10 Agenda

Code: a set of instructions that tell a computer to do something

Today you are going to do Hour of Code. 
Follow the directions below:
  • If you don't have an account yet, you will need to create one using your school email address.
  • If you already have an account, log in.
  • Enter the class code: QVFCZF
  • Watch the video and complete the Classic Maze activity
  • If you finish early, select any other activity to work on

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday 11/24

Work on your detailed design for your Air Powered Car

  • Remember: the materials you will have are 10 straws, 4 large wooden beads, 8 pins, an 8x11 piece of paper and sissors.
  • Design must have measurements of all parts.
  • Design must have a list of all parts you will use.
  • Design must be complete and ok'd before you get your materials on Monday after break.

When you finish with your design, you can watch more Science 360 Video videos.

You can also work on your STEM careers project if you are not finished with it yet.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Monday 11/23

Learning Goals: 
  • Learn what mechanical engineers do, how it impacts our daily lives, and the benefits of a career in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Understand the engineering design process and the critical components of vehicle design.

1. Question of the Day: What does a mechanical engineer do?

2. Team Activity

4. Air Powered Vehicle Challenge
  • Discuss
  • Design (must be turned in to get materials)
(Available materials: 10 straws, 4 large beads (straws can pass through), 8 straight pins, 8x11 piece of paper, sissors)
  • Build
  • Test
  • Redesign
  • Rebuild
  • Final Test

Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday 10/30 Agenda

The last day to work on Bridges will be Monday. If you don't think you will be finished by then, you can take it home and work on it over the weekend.

Please get the following things done before you start working on your bridges.

  • MESA Registration: finish this online (follow the instructions), then check in with Ms. Lopez before you continue.
  • Bridge Plan that shows the actual design of your bridge and includes all measurements (this can be done by hand or on Google Draw). Turn this in and check in with Ms. Lopez before you continue.
  • Do some research on the internet and choose three possible STEM careers for a research project. The instructions for the project are on Google Classroom. Find at least two reliable websites where you can find information about each career (see links below). Write the names of the three careers and the url's of the websites on an index card and give it to Ms. Lopez. 
STEM Career websites:
Once you finish these three tasks, you can work on your bridge.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 26-30, 2015

Bridge Project: Completed bridges are due this Friday. They will be graded based on the rubric below. Go to Google Classroom and complete the reflection assignment by Friday. Each student needs to write a reflection. If you have a partner, both partners need to write separate reflections. Partners only need to turn in one plan. 

Bridge Project Rubric

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Friday 10/9 and Monday 10/10 Agenda

Bridge Project

1. With your partner, draw a detailed plan of your bridge on graph paper. Make it to scale, and label parts and measurements in inches. (40 points)

2. Answer the pre-construction questions. (10 points)

3. After plans and questions are turned in and ok'd, you can start working on your bridge.


Stick Together project rules

Examples of truss types:

Examples of plans:

Image result for popsicle stick bridge plans

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wednesday 10/7 Agenda

Image result for examples of mesa day bridgesMesa Bridge Project

While you are designing and building your bridge, refer to the Stick Together project rules as needed.

1. Watch these videos to see examples of craft stick bridges:

video 1 and video 2

Would these designs work for our project? Why or why not?

How will our bridges be tested? testing video  

Image result for examples of mesa day bridges

The top of the bridge has to be open to fit the testing apparatus.

Why use triangles in your bridge?


Monday, October 5, 2015

Tuesday 10/6 Agenda

1. Truss Bridges Investigation Worksheet

  • Read the information about Truss Bridges on p. 1
  • Answer the questions on p. 2

Examples of Truss Bridges

2. Design and build a Truss Bridge that will span 25 centimeters. 

• Materials: 20 straws and 1 meter of masking tape.
• Draw a sketch of your bridge site and bridge. (in Google Drawings or by hand)
• Construct your bridge