Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday 8/31 Agenda

Learning Goal: Understand the engineering design process and work with a partner to solve a design challenge.

We're going to finish the Paper Helicopter Design Challenge that we started on Friday. Remember: The goal is to produce a paper helicopter that will stay aloft the longest when dropped from a height of 5 feet.

Pick up where you left off on Friday

Task 1: Complete the Engineering Design Process flowchart and tape it into your notebook on the next blank right side page.

Task 2: With your table partner, decide who will be responsible for each job:

Task 3: Complete "1. Ask" on the data sheet (identify problem-see highlighted challenge)

Task 4: Cut out the three designs provided and test them. Create a table in your notebook to record times for each trial of each design.

GOOD ONLINE STOPWATCH (measures tenths of a second)

Task 5: How could you improve the design? Compete "2 Imagine" with your ideas, and draw your revised plan on "3. Plan".  (different paper? shape? paperclip size?)

Task 6: Collect materials, build your prototype and start testing, refining, retesting...write notes on section 5 of your data sheet. Turn in data sheet when you are finished.

Exit Task 6: On the left side notebook page opposite your flowchart, write the date and the heading "Paper Helicopters Design Challenge". Draw a diagram of your final design and write a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph briefly describing your design process and results.

If we have time, we will have a competition to see which helicopter will stay aloft the longest when dropped from a height of 5 feet.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday 8/28 Agenda

Learning Goal: Understand the engineering design process and work with a partner to solve a design challenge.

Paper Helicopter Design Challenge: Today we're going to design and test paper helicopters. The goal is to produce a paper helicopter that will stay aloft the longest when dropped from a height of 5 feet.

Task 1: Complete the Engineering Design Process flowchart and tape it into your notebook on the next blank right side page.

Task 2: With your table partner, decide who will be responsible for each job:

Group Leader/Time Keeper
1. Reads all directions to group (from data sheet and blog) and leads discussions
2. Keeps group on task and is responsible for getting the group to finish on time.

Materials Manager/Data Collector/Recorder
1. Is responsible for collecting and returning all materials & supplies to the appropriate place(s)
2. Records data on the appropriate form or sheet

Task 3: Complete "1. Ask" on the data sheet (identify problem-see highlighted challenge)

Task 4: Cut out the three designs provided and test them. Create a table in your notebook to record times for each trial of each design.

Task 5: How could you improve the design? Compete "2 Imagine" with your ideas, and draw your revised plan on "3. Plan".  (different paper? shape? paperclip size?)

Task 6: Collect materials, build your prototype and start testing, refining, retesting...write notes on section 5 of your data sheet. Turn in data sheet when you are finished.

Exit Task 6: On the left side notebook page opposite your flowchart, write the date and the heading "Paper Helicopters Design Challenge". Draw a diagram of your final design and write a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph briefly describing your design process and results.

If we have time, we will have a competition to see which helicopter will stay aloft the longest when dropped from a height of 4 feet. (May have to do this on Monday!).

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Thursday 8/27 Agenda

Junk Cars:
  Groups have 10 minutes to finish your cars, then we will test them!

   The team who's car goes the farthest will get a prize.

Guidelines for Group Activities/Projects
• Group members are responsible for the performance of each individual learner.
• Group members are individually accountable and must be able to report on or explain the team’s results.
• Leadership is shared on a rotating basis. Each team member has a job and responsibilities.
• The teacher is a resource; students are in charge of their own learning.
• Time must be allowed for group processing and self-evaluation.

The job assignments are these:

Group Leader
1. Reads all directions to group
2. Leads the discussions
3. Checks the data sheet
4. Helps with clean-up
5. Is the only one who can ask a question of the teacher

Materials Manager
1. Is responsible for collecting and returning all materials & supplies to the appropriate place(s) 2. Is the only one who can get up for materials and supplies
3. Makes sure the everyone in the group has equal access to the materials and supplies
4. Checks the data sheet
5. Helps with clean-up

Time Keeper
1. Holds the team stopwatch (or watches the clock)
2. Keeps group on task and reminds them about time
3. Is responsible for getting the group to finish on time
4. Checks the data sheet
5. Helps with clean-up

Data Collector/Recorder
1. Collects the data for the activity
2. Records data on the appropriate form or sheet
3. Returns data sheet to teacher and/or records group data on class data sheet
4. Makes sure all other team members check the data sheet
5. Helps with clean-up

Wednesday 8/26 Agenda

Junk Cars:
  Finish your cars today!! We will test them tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday 8/25 Agenda

If you haven't turned in your paperwork, please do so by THURSDAY!! Let me know if you need a copy.

Brown Bag Project: Junk Car

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday 8/21 Agenda

STEM Careers Discussion

Click on this 100 Years of Change Infographic and answer the following questions on the next blank page in your science notebook. Be sure to write the date and a heading.

  • How has the population of the US changed from 1913 to 2013?
  • How has education changed based on this infographic?
  • What was listed under technology in 1913? How has technology changed?
  • Write down at least three things from the infographic that were surprising or interesting to you.

Homework: Finish answering 100 Years of Change questions above.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday 8/21 Agenda

Learning Goal: Learn about STEM careers.

What is a scientist?

• Scientist picture discussion

• Watch the videos, and list the similarities and differences between the people in the two videos.
• How do these people compare to our scientist drawings?

STEM Careers

• Go to this website: Cool Science Careers website

  • On page 2 of your notebook, write the heading "Science Careers"
  • Click on "profession pathfinder" and answer the 21 questions. 
  • On page 2, list the careers that were identified
  • Click on at least two of the careers to find out more. 

Exit Ticket: Write a description of each career on p. 2.

Science and Technology

• How have science and technology transformed how we communicate, are entertained, and find information?

• With your partner, make a list of 10 objects that people now use on a regular basis that your parents didn't have when they were your age.

Exit Ticket: Choose 5 objects from our class list and write a description of what each item might look like or be capable of doing 10 years from now.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday 8/20 Agenda

Learning Goal: Learn about STEM careers.

What is a scientist?

Silent Activity (15 minutes): Draw a picture of a scientist on white paper using a pencil and colored pencils. Give your scientist a name.

• Scientist picture discussion

• Watch the videos, and list the similarities and differences between the people in the two videos.
• How do these people compare to our scientist drawings?

STEM Careers

• Go to this website: Cool Science Careers website

  • On page 2 of your notebook, write the heading "Science Careers"
  • Click on "profession pathfinder" and answer the 21 questions. 
  • On page 2, list the careers that were identified
  • Click on at least two of the careers to find out more. 
Exit Ticket: Write a description of each career on p. 2.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday 8/19 Agenda

Learning Goal: Learn about how to work effectively in a group to solve a design problem.

Finish Brown Bag Challenge: work with your team to build the longest bridge you can using 100 toothpicks and 100 mini marshmallows.

Exit ticket (Google Classroom Discussion): What is one thing your team did well together? What was one challenge you had?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Tuesday 8/18 Agenda

Learning Goal: Learn about how to work effectively in a group to solve a design problem.

Discussion of Cup Stack Lab questions

Brown Bag Challenge: work in teams of 3 to solve a problem.

Exit ticket (Google Classroom Discussion): What is one thing your team did well together? What was one challenge you had?

Monday 8/17 Agenda

Learning Goals: Continue getting to know each other and practice teamwork.

1. Question of the Day: What are some advantages and challenges that you have when working on a task or project with other people?

2. Cup Stack Lab

• On page 1 of your science notebook: 

  • Write the title "Cup Stack Lab"
  • Draw a diagram of the procedure you went through to complete the lab.
  • Padlet: Answer questions with your group. Be sure to include the names of all group members (first and last).

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday 8/14 Agenda

  • Carefully complete this Survey to help me get to know you.
  • Mesa Website and Examples
    • Notebook Setup
    • Name Game

    Wednesday, August 12, 2015

    Thursday 8/12 Agenda

    Welcome to MESA!!

    Learning Goals: Get to know each other and learn what the class will be like

    Today's Agenda
    • Make a table tent and write your name on it IN BOLD PRINT on both sides with a BLACK MARKER OR SHARPIE. Decorate it with colored pencils or pens.
    • Classroom Rules and Procedures
    • Introduction Game: Concentric Circles and/or Blobs and Lines
    • Circle Goals Project
    • Name Game